Sunday August 4th – A day of rest, a time for reflection

Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

By the love and grace of God, we made it to the end and completed the goals of this mission trip. Praise the Lord for paving the way in all the fine prints of His plan this week. How He orchestrated it all and worked in each of our hearts to pick up the cross and follow Him. In addition, drawing us closer to Him through this journey.

In total, we completed 11 well repairs and taught 5 classes to the little ones this week. Praise God for this journey and opportunity to serve Him.

For today, God made it a day of rest. We went to a beach on an island and He gave us the time for reflection. This island is a popular tourist destination. We traveled to the island by car and by boat. We were surrounded by water and mountains, it felt like I was in the presence of God’s creation, I was captivated by its beauty. Made me realize how small I am in comparison to all of His creation and His plan for all of us. More importantly, I was reminded that no matter how small we are, He loves each and every single one of us. I saw how God demonstrate His love and faithfulness this week. He helped us overcome obstacles and care for those He loves (the villagers in extreme poverty) on this trip. At the same time, He is transforming each of us through every obstacles, every experience, and every triumph to turn us into His masterpiece as well as drawing us closer to Him. He loves us so much, He wants to have a genuine relationship with all of us. We can pray and lean on Him, He will take care of us and our needs with His unfailing love.

"Be still and know that I am God"

Thank you Lord for your plan in all of us. May you continue to shower us with love and grace as well as a desiring heart to serve you in other parts of our journey in our lives. Gracias, my father in heaven.

Henry M

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